Site design

Award-winning creativity has often come at the expense of effective productivity insofar as the commercial ambitions of a website have been concerned.

This is a sacrifice PlanMatrix Web has been careful to avoid.  This is not to say that creativity has been lost in the process; on the contrary, creativity has been interwoven into the business objectives of our clients. 


PlanMatrix Strategic (Pty) Ltd, of which PlanMatrix Web is a division, focuses on integrated strategies that embrace the entire spectrum of an enterprise’s culture and goals; so too is it with our website design.

Whilst a website is a digital storefront and must put up its best appearance so as to create a good and lasting impression with its clientele and stakeholders, it must nevertheless ‘speak’ to its audience, draw it in, compel it to act.  

An audience of one

Always remember that that ‘audience’ labours under the illusion that it is an audience of one.  So a website’s communication with its users is perceived as an intimate one between two parties, and the website must communicate in that fashion to each of its multitude of simultaneous viewers.

A website’s communication must impart the organizational culture it represents, its willingness to serve, and its role as a capable provider of solutions to needs.

PlanMatrix Web is therefore confident, taking all these factors into consideration, that it can deliver, ably, the website solution you require.

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